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In Loving Memory of:

2006 Iowa Horse Fair and the 2006 Midwest Horse Fair

Nikki with Roxy on board and Jack with 16 year old Kendel riding, participated at the Iowa Horse Fair in Des Moines IA

and the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison WI in the Rocky Mountain breed demos. What a grand experience!


Many thanks to all who donated their time and efforts to bring the true Rocky tempermanent and correctly gaited 

Rocky Mountain horses to the Iowa Horse Fair.


Trail rides and camping trips are planned through out the coming year, and all breeds of horses are elcome.

Anyone is interested in joining the Drill team or any other activites should contact Roxy Braband, Pineridge Stables,

at: 507-346-1999 or by e-mail at

2006 Midwest Horse Fair - Roxy on Nikki and Kendel on Jack

Eboney Expresso at the 2000 Iowa Horse Fair
