Pineridge Stables Home Page
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How to Contact Us

Golden Hills

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In Loving Memory of:

Welcome To Pineridge Stables

Now located in Southeastern Minnesota, we continue to ride quality Rocky Mountain Horses®, the wonderful horses known for calm disposition, good behavior and superior natural gaits. All of our horses are double registered . We believe in sound breeding principles and matching the best stallion/mare to produce offspring that will continue on with the true Rocky Mountain Horse® traits. All our horses are immunized annually for the basic equine infectious diseases including West Nile, as well as a regular de-worming program. Routine hoof care is provided by our Certified Journeyman Farrier, Terry Holst (with our wonderful Iowa Certified Journeyman Farrier, Jeff Ridley available as needed for advice).


We hope you enjoy our web site.  Please feel free to contact us for more information on the Rocky Mountain Horse®, or to schedule a visit to our farm. 

Roxy is also a Rocky Mountain Senior Examiner! Send your paperwork, DVD's, etc. for review.

The girls

To learn more about us, our horses, and friends, please continue on to our other pages.  Please be patient, some pages may take a few seconds to load.

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The girls at Golden Hills